Here are a few of the host sites I created, support or assisted.
- International Cultural Showcase sharing our support for the arts and adventure sports and seeing them merge into one combined passion!.
- Gloryswitch provides career assistance to anyone looking for the next step in their lives.
- Central Appliance Furniture and Bedding store.
- Video Conference Hosting
- ICP Lightning Protection, LLC Inspection + Correction = Protection
- Motorola Amateur Radio Club of North Texas
- WX5FWD SKYWARN® Team This volunteer team also has a mail list and county map pages for SKYWARN® repeaters and links.
- K5GSM Western Oklahoma SKYWARN® ARC provides and supports storm spotters and communications in western Oklahoma.
- Oklahoma Repeater Society Inc (ORSI) ORSI includes a repeater database updated from the coordinator, and a Google Map interface to locate repeaters. Site content may be created by ORSI officers.
- WD5M.NET Ham call sign Blog Every ham radio operator should have a web site, right?